"Someone? Anyone? Help me out of this thing!" Can you say, traction? Chiropractor? |
I always exercise in a suit, don't you? |
Y-y-y-y-y-i-i-i-p-p-p-p-e-e-e-e! After she's done, she'll need help with a compacted spine and migraine headache, but at least her hysteria and stagnated liver will be fixed. |
"Sorry, dear. Mommy can't talk right now. And she can't move, either." |
This is my favorite. Yes, that says TAPE WORMS! But no worries! They're sanitized. (How?) And we talk about how weird some things are that people do today to lose weight. . . |
I'm two weeks into a new eating and exercise regimen. Doing that made me wonder about the history of exercise and eating. diet