Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Fun Friday at The Borrowed Book!

To enter:

Leave the time it took you to complete the puzzles in the comments section as well as your email address for notifying you if you've won. Winners will be drawn from ALL of the times, so the person with the fastest time may not be the actual winner, but by leaving your time, you double your chances.

Want another entry? Tweet your puzzle time and mention The Borrowed Book, get another entry. RETWEET our Tweet, get two entries!

Post your puzzle time on BB's Facebook wall guessed it...get another entry!

Post it on your OWN Facebook wall and you could get as many as FIVE entries.

It's all a way to spread the word about the great giveaways on BB. So c'mon! Help us spread the word, and have a little fun at the same time. Enter all weekend long! Winners will be announced Sunday night at midnight.

This week's puzzle feature is brought to you by Elizabeth Maddrey and her newest release, Serenity to Accept.

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  1. 3:00 today which surprises me because I even answered the phone.


  2. 2:44 pretty cover! Bookwormgal2011(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. Oh my stars! I can't believe it took me 9:02 to finish! I am usually so good at puzzles!

  4. Oops! Forgot to leave my email address! judyjohn2004(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Now you can see why I did so horrible! Can't concentrate!!!

  5. 13:09 Haven't had my cup of coffee yet!

  6. 3:32 this week. I love these puzzles. It's such a fun way to enter your drawings. Thank you so much.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  7. 4:14
    Thank you!!
    Lisa Nelson


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