Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello, and welcome to the second day of 2014!

Today we get to talk with Sarah E. Ladd, author of historical romances.

1.  Have you always wanted to be a writer?   On some level, I have always written.  When I was young, I mostly wrote short stories and poems.  It wasn’t until I was out of college that I wrote my first full-length novel.

2. Are you a plotter, pantster, or a combination?  I am a card-carrying plotter.  For a brief period of time I thought I might be a pantster, but I quickly saw the error of my ways!  As backwards as it sounds, not having my plot clearly laid out makes me more anxious than creative.  I like having a roadmap to follow, and it is within those boundaries that I feel the most creative.  But that is not to say that I haven’t been surprised when I was writing!  There have been several times when I was working on a scene and realized the plot I had just didn’t work or didn’t make sense for the character. 

3. Do you write full time, or do you work it in alongside a full-time job?  I do work outside of writing – I have worked in marketing and strategic brand management for more than 10 years now. 

4. What do you do to get past writer’s block?  I get moving!  When writer’s block strikes, I have to walk away from what it is I am working on.  Either I go for a walk, do some laundry, read – anything to give my mind a break.  I find ideas start flowing again when I least expect them to!

5. How do you get your best ideas?  By daydreaming.  I like to take walks, so I let my mind wander when I do.

6.  Do you write every day?  No, not every day. Like I mentioned earlier, I work outside of writing, and I have a family, so there are days when I don’t open my manuscript.  But even on the days I don’t write, I usually do a couple of writing related tasks, such as social media updates, chatting with writing friends, jot down scene ideas, etc.

7.  Do you like to listen to music when you write? Yes!  But I can’t listen to anything with words – they distract me.  So I listen to a lot of classical music or movie soundtracks while I write or work on writing projects.  For example, as I write this I am listening to the soundtrack of Emma (2009 BBC version).

8. Do you have any rituals you go through before you start writing? I always grab a cup of coffee or hot tea, especially during the winter months!  I get some music going, and if it is at night, I like to light a candle or two.

9.  Do you have any pets?  Do you own them or do they own you? Yes, I have a 2-year-old Golden Retriever names Sam.  He kinda runs the show some days! But he is a faithful writing companion --- he always sits by my chair or my feet when I write.

Sarah E. Ladd received the 2011 Genesis Award in historical romance for The Heiress of Winterwood. She is a graduate of Ball State University and has more than ten years of marketing experience. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever. Connect with her online!  Visit her website, like her on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter.

Don't forget to stop by tomorrow and enter to win a copy of Sarah's latest release, The Headmistress of Rosemere!


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