Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another year is wrapping up. Reflections of the year 2010 will abound and be posted everywhere you look. Tech sites will review the emergence of the tablet computer, while celeb sites will regurgitate every divorce and birth, award and embarrassing moment. And let's not forget the Best and Worst of 2010 articles that will abound in all manner of magazines.

For me, I'm more interested in the spiritual side. What have I learned? What area has God revealed to me in 2010 that needs tending? Is my faith stronger, or is it waving goodbye to 2010 feeling bruised and confused?

This Wednesday, over at the Heartsong Author blog, I am publishing an article that has taken me nigh on to eighteen years to write. It is both my confession and a very painful memory. Though I didn't go into nearly the detail I would have liked, I felt the need to share my story in hopes someone might take the message to heart. Perhaps this, then, is part of my New Years Resolution. To take down the guard around my heart and pour more of my own life's lessons into my stories. Not because my life is anything special, but the events and circumstances, tragedies and triumphs, are all things He has lined my path with not so I can hide them in a closet, but so I can give voice to the testimony of a lesson learned.

I welcome you to share what spiritual lesson you have learned this year. Perhaps by sharing you will encourage someone else that they are not alone, or give them renewed strength to keep fighting, helping to ease their journey into 2011.


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